Friday, December 21, 2012

Abs on Fire!



I do abs but only 2-3 times a week with cardio and it's a short set. I only use my body weight because like any other muscle when you add weight you will build muscle and well, I don't know about you but I'm always trying to tone the belly rather than make it look bulky and muscular. Now If you want deep lines then adding weight is to your benefit! I sometimes add weight to my oblique exercises to give my stomach the sexy V shape on the sides! I love that look!
To show you which exercises you are working here is a full diagram of the abdominal wall:

I'm going to show you how to work each of these muscles. I tell all of my clients, you can work out your abs everyday and won't look cut, toned, or defined unless you look at your eating habits. When training for my bikini competition, I noticed the biggest difference in my muscle definition by how much water I drank, and my diet. The killer was sodium and sugar intake. Too much of it will just cover up all your hard work! 

Alright, enough talk! Keep your abs tight and engaged throughout the entire workout to protect the back. Now let's tone and define!


*modification: mountain climbers (15 each side)


Muscles Worked: transverse abdominis, rectus abdominis, internal and external obliques

2) BENCH V-UPS (notice he kicks them down at an angle) (15 Reps)

Muscles Worked: transverse abdominis, rectus abdominis. 

3)INCLINE SWISS BALL PLANK (30 seconds to 1 min)

*modification: put ball into a corner or eliminate the ball. 


Muscles Worked:  transverse abdominis, rectus abdominis

4)SWISS BALL LEG LIFTS (15 reps) every time you open up is 1 rep.

*modification: keep knees bent


Muscles worked: Rectus Abdominis.

5) OBLIQUE SIDE DIPS (15 reps each side)

*modification: lower knees or hold side plank


Muscles worked: Internal and external obliques and adductors (inner thigh)

6)PLANK WALKS (8 reps each side...Go down 8 times with the right hand first then switch for 8 more with the left hand first) 

*modification: lower knees but keep shoulders over wrists.


Muscles worked: Strengthens abdominals, spine extensors, chest, shoulders, triceps; buttocks and all leg muscles as stabilizers. 

7)STRAIGHT LEG ALTERNATING SCISSORS WITH ARMS (30 Reps total or 15 reps each side)


Muscles worked: Entire abdominal wall, especially rectus abdominis. 

8)OBLIQUE CRUNCH (15 reps each side) 

*modification, bend your knees or just lift upper body


Muscle worked : The external and internal obliques. 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Spring Bootay!

Ultimate Booty Blast

Repeat this 1 to 3 times! It's killer

This is my favorite muscle to work but remember doing it everyday won't get you the results you want. Give yourself at least 1-2 days recovery time before you repeat that muscle group again.
Now have at it!
20 Squats
20 Pile Squats
20 Donkey Kicks each side
20 Fire Hydrants each side
20 Circle donkey kicks each side
30 alternating split jumps
Follow for more Fitness Gifs 4 U
30 alternating skaters
20 Single Hip Lifts each side


20 Reverse Hyperextensions on Floor (Press feet to ceiling with upper body glued to floor, keep thighs off floor)
20 Lunge Kicks each side

Repeat 3 X through or as many times as you can!

Let me know below in the comments box how you liked the workout! It's insane yo!

Don't forget to stretch after

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Gym Intimidation

The gym can be a very intimidating place!

In fact it's one of the main reasons why many stay out of a gym.

Whether it's the fact that it feels very segregated with men by the weights and women on cardio
or there are so many machines and the chance that you know how to work one is slim to none
or you notice all the females with make-up and tight clothes or men with cut shirts and lifting as heavy as possible...Whatever it is, you are letting that factor stop you from focusing on your own well-being.

The gym is not there for you to make a scene. It is there to help you get into shape.
When I walk into a gym, I'm pretty sure some people think I'm the meanest, too serious or way to into myself etc. while in the gym...but really I am just focused. I create a playlist that gets my adrenaline going and focus on what I need to do so I can get out as quickly as possible. I move from one machine to the next and don't talk to anyone unless they say hi because this is MY time. I'm not there to socialize, show off, look pretty (in fact hopefully the opposite cause then it's a good workout), or anything else other than get my workout done.

I'm not going to lie, all of the examples that keep people out of the gym are there for a reason and it's typical to find. That's why it's important to focus on WHY you are there and stick to that goal.

Now for equipment worries...I started by researching an appealing workout routine on (GREAT site for everyone, not just a bodybuilder). All workouts on that site have a picture of the machine to use and how to appropriately use the machine next to the exercise. I printed it out and wrote down key words that helped me understand how to do the exercise. Once I did that, I took it with me to the gym and went through it slowly. If there was a machine I couldn't find or was afraid to use alone, I ASKED. There are trainers and staff that are required to know how to use everything and know modifications so use that to your advantage. Also, anyone can use any of the machines. There isn't any one machine designated specifically for a man or woman. It's there for everyone so don't feel like you can't use a machine because of stereotype. Everyone starts somewhere but believe me once you are comfortable with the gym the rest is fun!

So get in there and try something new in the gym each day! Focus on yourself and use the exercise classes, websites and faculty to help better understand how to use a gym.

Don't forget, have some FUN!


Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Truth About Sugar!

This is Dr. Robert H. Lustig M..D.
He did a lecture on why there is obesity and his view as to what is causing it.
It is a long video but well worth it. His points are incredibly valid, it's hard not to believe him by the end of it. It's scary to think that our lives are so run by food and the option of healthy food is so limited. Please view this video.
To me it's all about education. I understand that not everyone is interested in being a nutrition nut, personal trainer, bodybuilder, athlete etc...but if we all work to be educated in health and fitness I believe it will better our world overall. It is YOUR body but I encourage you to treat it with respect. Why abuse it? The only thing you satisfy when you eat an oreo is your psychological well-being and it's a temporary high because we all know you eat another an hour later or want something else unhealthy and the habit continues to grow. There are a lot of negative things in this world that are there maybe intentionally or unintentionally that harm us. We can't always change our environment but we can change how we choose to live in it.
You don't have to watch the whole thing at once. Maybe just a little bit at a time. Try not to analyze everything he says or shut him off because you don't agree. There are points I don't necessarily agree with but I still watch to understand where HE is coming from. Enjoy it, and think about it :) Start changing the way you live in this world for the better.

Live, Smile, and Love,

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Men and Women...


I've been guilty of this so many times myself, seeing a body that I envy and saying I want to look like them. This is OK if it motivates you to workout but let it be to make YOUR body the best...not into someone else's. It's impossible. That's not supposed to be depressing but think of it as training your body to get someone else to say they want YOUR physique. It's hard not to compare when we are surrounded by bodies that are implied to be "attractive" or "appealing." However, be appreciative for the masterpiece you have. The body is capable of amazing transformations and is supposed to be different from others! It makes us unique. The goal is to look in the mirror and love what you see, not what a scale says or how it compares to anyone else.

Look in the mirror and instead of focusing on what you don't like, say out loud what you do like.
If you say something negative, counter it with a positive comment. "My belly is like a donut, but my legs are strong because of it!"
The more positive you can be about life in general the more self confident you will become.

You are the best you train yourself to be.

So get active, smile, and enjoy!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Diet for Bikini Competition- Lean, Mean, and CURVAY

12 weeks of training is BRUTAL.

I didn't begin dieting until 8 weeks out. 
Dieting was honestly the hardest for me. I had to develop some serious will power. It helped to tell my friends ahead of time that I won't be eating out, can't go to bars, etc. anything that would put me in a position where I would indulge. 
For 8 weeks I ate a lot of protein (At every meal), watched my carb intake (only twice a day), and ate an absurd amount of veggies. 

Here is an example of my competition diet:

3 Eggs
1/2 cup of oats with 1/4 cup of mixed berries and Honey
1 cup of Jo

Post workout shake (GNC BCAA'S chocolate [OF COURSE'] & 1/2 a                                     Banana. 

Baked Salmon
1/2 cup of brown rice
1-1.5 cups of kale

Rice Cake with Natural Peanut Butter
8 Almonds

Romaine Lettuce
4 oz of Chicken or canned Tuna with mustard and Balsamic Vinegarette

Protein Shake if hungary

I did not eat less than 2 hours before bed and noticed a HUGE difference by doing that. I used lots of spices (Ms. Dash) to help flavor the taste of the food and to cut the bitterness of kale I added a tsp of sugar. 

It's all about keeping it clean. What I mean by clean is staying away from most boxed foods or items loaded with sugar and sodium. Baked instead of Fried and used complex carbs instead of simple carbs. Simple carbs are foods such as white bread, white rice, pizza etc. and they don't keep you full very long which is why you end up eating more throughout the day. Complex takes longer for the body to digest therefore keeping you full longer. Items like this include oatmeal, wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, etc. 
Helpful Chart On Portions

I did a lot of cooking but knocked it out in one day so I was prepared for the week. It made things a lot easier being that I am a very busy individual. 
Remember portion control as well. Use a white plate so you can see just how much you are grabbing. I always put less than I want on my plate because my eyes are bigger than my tummy. If I am still hungry I gulp a glass of water and then decide if I want seconds. Keep portions small, foods clean, and eat and drink often! 

Live, Survive, Enjoy! 